

Next I read the Bible, I usually read the Proverb of the day and something in one of the Gospels.

Then I do my memorization. My mom made us verse boxes a for all the verses we have memorized.
In Daily I have the verses I am still working on and need to do every day.
Odd/Even I put verses that I am still working on but getting better at.
Week Days I have the verses that I only need to do once every week.
Month days I have the ones that I am done with.
Each day, I review all the verses from the sections that go with the day. For example, today I did all the verses Daily section, Odd, Thursday and 5th.
For my box I used a recipe box that my mom got at Target.

Hope you like it!!

Since Jesus is the light of the world we need to accurately reflect His light to others. When Jesus died on the cross He gave all men light and everlasting life; in hell for those who do not submit to Him and in heaven for Christians. 

 We are the light to the world. Because we are Christians, we should not blend in with the world, as we so easily tend to. To reach others we don't have to be like them. In 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." We are a chosen people. We will be different than the world if we are like Christ. We do not have to be like the world to witness to them.

Emily S.


  1. That Valentine verse thing was really cool! Since Valentine's Day is over, I'll just have to wait until next year to put it in a valentine! :)

  2. LOVE the valentine verse thing!

    1. Love the quotes Michele and Emily, it is so true that God put us in this World but He does NOT want us to be of it, in Ecclesiastes 12:13 it says - "Let us hear the end of all: fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the WHOLE duty of man" That is God's desire for all of us,we should all have that same desire to "fear God and Keep His Commandments, we will get no where if we dishonor Him, and through honoring God we are being a light to the World, and are refusing to live in darkness!

  3. Thank you for the encoraging words Grace!
